Whether you’re into arts or sports, there’s something for everyone. Most importantly, we strive to provide an avenue for young professionals and newcomers to the city to learn about local events.
Save Thousands with a
YP Membership!
Filter and find what you are looking for in Birmingham.
Birmingham Museum of Art
Go to: http://artsbma.org/get-involved/membership/#junior_patro Select Junior Patron membership. It will appear to charge but ignore and go to checkout. Use the code “YPCOMP19” (no quotes) at checkout and once completed a confirmation email will be sent.
Pure Barre
- Sign up for the 8-class pack auto-pay option for $129 per month, and you will get 2 free classes for the months of June and July! Email mailto:birminghamgm@purebarre.com to initiate this exclusive offer. - Free monthly class – Homewood location (free class is the third Tuesday at 6:35pm)
Total Skin & Beauty
- Sunscreens: 10% discount. Limit 2 per member, per month. Discount cannot be combined with any other specials or discounts. Purchase for in-store only.
- Hydrafacial: 10% discount. Limit 1 per member, per month. This discount is only valid for the Signature Hydra-facial. Discount cannot be combined with any other specials or discounts
Vulcan Rehab, Recovery, Performance
A one time 35% off of a 1 hour or 45 minute Maintenance Session with Sean Hiller, Doctor of Physical Therapy. A maintenance session may consist of soft tissue mobilization, graston, cupping, and their specialty, Active Mobility. For more info on Vulcan Maintenance Sessions visit the link: https://www.vulcanmovement.com/new-page-1/